The Famous Gombe And Mahale National Parks on the shores of Lake Tanganyika
It would not be fair talking of Lake Tanganyika and not to mention the chimpanzees! We have two famous national parks - Gombe which is nearer to Kigoma and in the north. The other one is Mahale, the location of Tropheus red moorii, which is in the south of Kigoma. It is a part of the eco system shared by cichlids and others. These parks also have abundance of baboons and other wild life, including various species of birds.
We would like to use this platform in promoting these 2 parks. We have been handling tourists since 1987, being pioneers of tourism in the west of Tanzania. Anybody interested in more information and planning visit to these parks, may please contact us.
We would like to use this platform in promoting these 2 parks. We have been handling tourists since 1987, being pioneers of tourism in the west of Tanzania. Anybody interested in more information and planning visit to these parks, may please contact us.